Today, after staying up much later than probably necessary last night, I slept in. Which is nice since I am on vacation, but not so nice since I will need to start getting up at a reasonable time after the New Year (which is only 2 days away since technically today is the 30th).
Since I got up late and then had a busy day I did not spend much time at home. Thus, I did not do much in my home – however I did at the very least make my bed this morning! I also have been working on decluttering and I got rid of some cups I never use. More cabinet space now. Yayy!
Given the fact that New Year’s is around the corner I do want to make some resolutions. I don’t usually, but maybe if I tell you – my readers who don’t yet exist, but hopefully will one day – about them I will stay accountable!
- Make my bed – its just so nice to walk into a room where the bed is made, isn’t it? Plus I have read and heard if you make your bed it’s a good starting place to give you momentum for your day and it can be motivating to help keep your home clean!
- Learn one technical thing a week (and write a post about it?) – I’m still figuring out what I want this blog to be, but I would like for it to benefit my career, and I love learning things so why not make it a requirement?
- Do the dishes! I know this might sound ridiculous, but I have been so bad lately about doing my dishes right away that I really want to build that habit again.
- Meal Plan(and post it so I can tell you how my cooking adventures, or misadventures go!) – I tried doing this for a few weeks awhile back and it was great, until I stopped keeping up with it.
I would love to hear about your meal plan for the week/resolutions for the year in the comments below!
Have a great day 🙂